Synthesis Skill Progression
As we set particular goals for our units in reading or around a text, we can sometimes lose sight of the concert of skills that true reading represents. This quicksheet will take you through a progression and some strategies for helping students put the skills they have practiced as readers together as they read, to synthesize their thinking about character, theme, and craft into a nuanced, complex analysis.
Grades 4-10
As we set particular goals for our units in reading or around a text, we can sometimes lose sight of the concert of skills that true reading represents. This quicksheet will take you through a progression and some strategies for helping students put the skills they have practiced as readers together as they read, to synthesize their thinking about character, theme, and craft into a nuanced, complex analysis.
Grades 4-10
As we set particular goals for our units in reading or around a text, we can sometimes lose sight of the concert of skills that true reading represents. This quicksheet will take you through a progression and some strategies for helping students put the skills they have practiced as readers together as they read, to synthesize their thinking about character, theme, and craft into a nuanced, complex analysis.
Grades 4-10