We believe the best professional development occurs when there is a reciprocal relationship developed between consultants and the educators with whom they work.
Our programs and consultations are built to serve the unique and evolving challenges of today’s educators. Our experience spans K-12, from individual classrooms to larger districts and educational organizations, across urban, suburban, and rural communities.
We offer a genuinely personalized experienced that ensures responsive, relevant, and rigorous professional development for your organization or school community.
What if you had a day to learn, reflect, and revise those units that may not have gone so well?
Spend a day devoted to making your units the best they can be. Regardless of the reading or writing unit you bring to work on, we can help refine it for clarity, efficacy, and the individuality of you and your students.
Deepen engagement and build relationships with your students
Balance the need for students to practice what is being taught with the pressure of covering content
Consider text choices, writing composition and student reading & writing plans
Assess and support students as they learn individually…and more!
Our Curriculum Day Sessions Offer Practical Ways to:
We facilitate on-site study groups on topics of interest, typically organized by grade levels or by teacher interest (cross-grade). This option usually includes 1-2 periods with several groups of teachers across the day. Our clients find these school-based development sessions incredibly helpful when launching a new topic of study, studying student work and data to plan upcoming instruction, or engaging in a deep study of a particular topic.
We work in classrooms alongside teachers to demonstrate various teaching methods and structures. These interactive sessions can also include supporting and coaching teachers as they engage in the work. Classroom demonstrations are helpful when you are interested in experiencing teaching in action, working directly with students, or supporting teachers as they try new or different methods or curriculum.
We conduct our demonstrations and coaching sessions with openness, empathy, and collaboration.
We present daylong workshops for educators on specific topics of interest, such as close reading, teaching tools, or differentiated writing instruction. This option often involves a larger group of participants for either a half or full day. Workshops are helpful when you are interested in widely exploring a topic across a day.
We participate in distance learning sessions on a topic of interest or based on personalized questions prepared in advance. These sessions tend to be an hour long and can be bundled as a few sessions across the year. This option is helpful when focusing on a very specific need or topic, when needing a solution-oriented session based on problems you are facing, or when you want a quick check-in support session.

Leveraging 20+ years working in schools across the country, we have a unique understanding and perspective on the inner workings and support structures schools have in place to help evaluate and support young learners. Over the years, we have worked to strengthen the understanding and teaching of students with learning differences by providing professional development in schools, districts, and organizations.
Now, we are thrilled to expand our offerings to support teachers, parents, and caregivers as they navigate the unique ways their students’ brilliant and beautiful brains work - supporting young learners with diverse learning differences spanning ADHD, Autism, Dysgraphia, Executive Function challenges, and much more.